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Nationality: Iranian

Residence: United Arab Emirates

Short Bio: Sahebe holds master degree in Blockchain technology, for the past 21-years she has worked as an engineer, business developer, product manager and director deputy manager. Sahebe cofounded 2-startups companies as well as held executive roles within international factories including the several oil and energy organizations across Korea, UAE, Taiwan, and Turkey. In 2017, Sahebe found her passion working in the exciting DLT and blockchain environment. At the moment she is an advisor in blockchain technology as a freelancer, Member board of directors Global Blockchain Woman Alliance and Local Hub Lead GBI.

Why are NFTs interesting? NFTs have rapidly become one of the crypto industry’s most prominent features, and as highly flexible tokens, they offer a wide range of opportunities and have a vast number of use cases.

They are  in their early stage and I think in the near future most industries and businesses could be revolutionized by NFTs.

My touchpoints with NFTs so far: I could make my sister’s artwork NFT and sell in open sea last year. At the moment I’m working on NFT Fine arts  as a project .

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