Nationality: Ethiopian
Residence: Denver, Colorado
Short Bio: Haimanot Bobosha has a bachelor in Electrical and Computer Engineering from Addis Ababa Institute of Technology and a Masters in Blockchain Technology from Zigurat Global Institute of Technology. She is currently employed at DISH Office of Innovation as a Blockchain Project Manager where she oversees the implementation of innovative projects across multiple departments, collaborating with internal and external Agile development teams to develop Blockchain applications and technologies such as Decentralized Identifiers, Tokenized Loyalty Programs, Decentralized Wireless and NFTs. Previously before DISH – she co authored a chapter in the book “Blockchain for International Security”.
Why are NFTs interesting? The potential of NFT 2.0 (Utility NFTs) is significant for brands and businesses, values can be added to the digital representation of the assets.
My touchpoints with NFTs so far: Enterprise use case R&D