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Nationality: Dutch

Residence: Maastricht, the Netherlands

Short Bio: Sunny Jiang has Computer Science (B.Sc.) and International Business (M.Sc.) background, she was also trained in Sotheby’s Institute of Art. She is fellow member of Digital Euro Association, expert of European Carbon Offset Tokenization Association, as well as ETHNewYork and ETHSanfrancisco blockchain hackathon prize winner. After co-launching a generative NFT art project and being NFT Supertalent of Cohort#1, she continues her journey to be mentor, advisor, thought leader as well as builder in the NFT space.

Why are NFTs interesting? NFTs as (non-fungible) token can represent any type of assets, and (new) token standards are evolving every day. It’s exciting to apply different types of NFTs (e.g. fractional NFT, dynamic NFT, rental NFT) to science, sustainability, finance, social media, public goods and many more business areas besides art and entertainment. And this can play an important role to shape the future of economy.

My touchpoints with NFTs so far: Co-launched NFT art project; built demo dApps with NFT; Speak in NFT conferences/talks; Mentor NFT programs

My favorite NFT project: Fidenza

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