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DLT Talents Partnership Continuation with KfW Group

By March 27, 2023October 30th, 2023No Comments

Our partner KfW has already been a partner for more than 2 years, over 25 women from KfW participated in our previous cohorts and also this cohort some women from KfW will join. Therefore, we want to express our gratitude for the continued partnership as we are very happy to further work together with the KfW.

KfW (Kreditanstalt für Wiederaufbau) is a German state-owned development bank that promotes economic growth, social progress, and environmental sustainability. Founded in 1948, KfW’s mission is to support businesses, entrepreneurs, and public institutions with financing and advisory services that help them overcome economic challenges and create sustainable solutions.

KfW operates in over 80 countries, with a focus on Europe, Asia, Africa, and Latin America. The bank provides a wide range of financial products, including loans, guarantees, equity investments, and grants, aimed at promoting environmental and social sustainability, innovation, and growth.

KfW is committed to supporting the United Nations’ Sustainable Development Goals and the Paris Agreement on climate change, and has made significant investments in renewable energy, energy efficiency, and climate adaptation. The bank has also played a critical role in supporting global health initiatives, including the fight against COVID-19.

Moreover, the digital structural change is impacting not just the real economy and financial sector, but also the entire monetary system, with the convergence of API and token economies and potential new manifestations of money by the ECB and private banks. KfW Bankengruppe is part of this system and is participating in talent programs with the Frankfurt School Blockchain Center to address the challenges of digital structural change.

KfW brings a wealth of expertise, a vast network, and a strong commitment to community involvement to our initiative, making them an excellent addition. We are thrilled to have their ongoing support, especially in our efforts to empower more women in the field of Blockchain and the goal of closing the gender gap in blockchain technology.

Find out more about KfW here:


Web3 Talents
(c/o Frankfurt School Blockchain Center)
Adickesallee 32–34
60322 Frankfurt am Main, Germany

Jong-Chan Chung

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About Web3 Talents

At Web3 Talents we believe that education is the pathway to a successful career. Therefore, we have designed four free 18-week mentorship programs specializing in various Web3 topics. With DLT TalentsDeFi TalentsNFT Talents and Bitcoin Talents we aim to educate a cohort of Talents in the respective topic and help them kick-start their career to become entrepreneurs, technologists, founders, regulators and investors in the respective Web3 industries.

Our track record so far speaks for itself: By now, more than 5000 people have applied for our Talents programs; of these, we have mentored more than 1000 from 2020 to 2022. Following the completion of our program, many of our Talents have successfully entered Web3 industries and founded businesses of their own.

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Web3 Talents

Kick-Start Your Career In The Fields Of DLT, DeFi, NFT, And Bitcoin.

(c/o Frankfurt School Blockchain Center)
Adickesallee 32-34
60322 Frankfurt am Main