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DLT TalentsMentors

DLT Talents Mentor – Stephanie Keinert

By October 26, 2023No Comments

Name: Stephanie Keinert

Short Bio: Stephanie has been in tech sales & business development since 2014. Being a DLT enthusiast, she is part of Salesforce’s international Web3 taskforce and also limited partner at Vanagon Ventures, a VC focused on early-stage blockchain startups. Stephanie holds a Master of Science in Business Development from Grenoble École de Management and a Certificate in Blockchain Technologies by MIT Sloan. She is an NFT Talents graduate as well as a member of H.E.R. DAO and Women in Blockchain Munich.

LinkedIn URL: 

What fascinates you most about DLT? Blockchain technology has the potential to revolutionize socioeconomic structures and the way companies across industries interact with customers, partners and suppliers. This technological evolution is paving the way for countless exciting new opportunities.

Your best knowledge resource in the blockchain space? Block Stories & The Milk Road

My favourite DLT protocol/project: Polygon

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