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DLT TalentsMentors

DLT Talents Mentor – Jong-Chan Chung

By October 26, 2023No Comments

Name: Jong-Chan Chung

Field of study: Master of Public Policy

University:  University of Tokyo and Hertie School

Work experience: Economic Research, Data Analysis and Consulting

Current affiliation: Frankfurt School Blockchain Center and Blockchain Founders Group

Current position: Project Manager

Why is blockchain interesting? The whole blockchain and web3 space in general triggers important questions not only pertaining to cryptography and novel forms of data storage but also touches upon societal and philosophical aspects such as value creation, ownership, identity and responsibility. DLT is a fascinating multi-disciplinary subject!

My touch points with blockchain so far: HODL, Lending, Staking, Swaps, The Graph, Smart Contract Deployment, NFT creation

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Web3 Talents

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60322 Frankfurt am Main