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Name: Laura Reichert

Short Bio: Laura is working at different IT- and business related departments at Commerzbank since 2018. From 2022 she is working in Commerzbank’s DLT Lab, currently as Chapter Lead for DLT engineers. Through her work she has background knowledge in digital strategy and enterprise IT architecture, cards and new payments products, as well as private and public DLT use cases for banks, esp. crypto custody.

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Fun Facts about you: Have been playing the violin since I was 6 🙂

When and what was your first touchpoint with DLT & Blockchain? 2019, within my work at Commerzbank.

What fascinates you most about DLT? Web3 gives us an opportunity to rethink the status quo in business and society.

Your favorite Crypto Influencer: Don’t have one – DYOR

Your best knowledge resource in the blockchain space? Frankfurt School Web3 Talents Programs 😉

Your favorite word in Crypto Jargon: HODL

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Web3 Talents

Kick-Start Your Career In The Fields Of DLT, DeFi, NFT, And Bitcoin.

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60322 Frankfurt am Main