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DLT Profiles

DLT Talents – Marija Džaja Sikirić

By May 20, 2023November 9th, 2023No Comments

Nationality: Croatian

Residence: Zadar, Croatia

Field of study: International Economics/Spanish and French Philology

University: University of Rijeka/University of Zadar

Current position: Associate for International Relations at the University of Zadar

What is your work experience?
10+ years in project management and budgeting, inter-institutional cooperation, EU funds and programmes, digitalisation of Erasmus+ administration

Why is blockchain interesting? I strongly believe that the blockchain technology and its application in economy is a revolutionary concept. It definitely offers a fairer way of development for all the branches, compared to the existing, mainstream direction of development that is dominated by monopolistic third parties. I am particularly interested in the application of blockchain technology in education, but also in other fields. One of the topics that particularly caught my attention in the field of Web3 is the issue of digital identity and data ownership in the Web2 world, as well as the proposed ways how the Web3 can fix it through the user centric models and decentralization of identification protocols.

My touchpoints with blockchain so far: Besides self-studying about the Web. I finished Unitmaster Blockchain Fundamentals Course by Unit Network community. I am also member of Croatian association “Alice in Blockchain” which provided me with additional motivation for education in the field as well as an open door to numerous networking events related to the topic in Croatia. Recently, I started with content writing about Web3 topics because putting my thoughts down on paper helps me to clarify my ideas, learn more and research harder.



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