Nationality: Netherlands
Residence: Nijmegen
Field of study: European Law & Business Administration
University: Radboud University
Work experience: 3 years
Current affiliation: European Students Blockchain Coalition
Current position: Founder and President
Why is Bitcoin interesting? Bitcoin is fascinating for several reasons. It operates on a decentralized network, meaning it’s not controlled by any single entity like a government or bank, which gives users more financial autonomy. Secondly, its limited supply of 21 million coins creates scarcity, potentially making it a hedge against inflation.
My touchpoints with Bitcoin so far: Speaker at Bitcoin Amsterdam 2023&2024
My initial interaction with Bitcoin began through purchasing my first BTC from a centralized exchange. As I delved deeper into the ecosystem and explored the decentralized finance (DeFi) opportunities offered by Bitcoin’s layer two solutions. Engaging with Bitcoin’s layer two protocols allowed me to experience enhanced security, reduced transaction costs, and increased transaction speeds compared to traditional on-chain interactions.
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