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NFT MentorNFT Talents

NFT Talents Mentor – Marco Walz

By August 15, 2023October 26th, 2023No Comments

Nationality: German

Residence: Stuttgart, Germany

Short Bio: In 2018 I decided to become a professional in the field of blockchain, worked for several consultancy companies and decided to work as independent contractor in 2021. As long term contributor to the æternity blockchain, co-author of the AEX-141 NFT standard & product lead at Soon.Market, I have gathered a lot of hands-on experience in building blockchain projects over the past couple of years.

Why are NFTs interesting? Because they provide almost limitless possibilities. We have only scratched the surface so far.

My touchpoints with NFTs so far: Built Soon.Market – an NFT Marketplace; NFT Watch – a community driven scam prevention initiative; Co-Creator of AEX-141 Standard; Wrapping AENS names into AEX-141 NFTs; NFT Ticketing & other utility use cases

My favorite NFT project: CypherGang

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