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Inside the DeFi Talent Experience: An Interview with Cristina Hernando

By May 24, 2024June 19th, 2024No Comments
Screenshot from the video conversation

*The text version of the interview has been optimized for reading. Please refer to the audio recording for the full interview

Improved Transcript of the Interview with Cristina Hernando



Hello, everyone! Welcome to our next interview for the DeFi Talents channel. Today, we have Cristina Hernando, a Supertalent from our last cohort. She will be sharing her journey through the DeFi Talents program and her experiences in the crypto space. Cristina, welcome! Could you please introduce yourself and tell us how you got involved with DeFi Talents and the crypto world?


Hi, thank you for having me. My name is Cristina Hernando. I’ve been working in the financial services sector for over 10 years, co-founding a company that provides back office services to capital markets firms. My journey into DeFi wasn’t due to a specific event. Working in the financial sector, I noticed inefficiencies and saw more people getting involved in crypto. This piqued my interest, so I started experimenting with some protocols and eventually pursued formal education in the space. I completed the Oxford Blockchain Strategy Program, which provided a solid background but lacked a financial services focus. That’s when I discovered DeFi Talents, which seemed to offer the specific knowledge I was seeking.

Discovering DeFi Talents


We’re glad you found us! Did you discover the program on your own, or was it recommended to you?


I found it through Google and then checked social media. I noticed one of my LinkedIn contacts was following the page, so I reached out to him. He recommended the program, so I decided to apply.

Traditional Finance vs. DeFi


Great! What do you think draws so many people from traditional finance to DeFi?


There are several inefficiencies in traditional finance, such as slow settlement times and high transaction fees. DeFi offers solutions to these problems. It’s also exciting because it’s an innovative space with the potential to reach a broader audience and reduce costs.

Lessons Learned from DeFi Talents


Let’s talk about the DeFi Talents program. What were the most valuable lessons or skills you gained?


I gained a comprehensive understanding of the space, covering various topics like regulation, passive income, and perpetual futures. The program also helped me improve my presentation, mathematical, and interpersonal skills. Additionally, I met many knowledgeable people from around the world, some of whom have become friends.

Networking and Continuous Learning


Networking is indeed crucial. How has your approach to DeFi changed after completing the program?


I now follow the space more closely and am exploring various opportunities within it. I attend conferences and events to stay updated and connect with people in the field.

Overcoming Challenges


What were the biggest challenges you faced during the program?


Interviewing a founder was challenging for me, especially since I didn’t know anyone in the space. It was also a busy time of year, right after Christmas. I ended up researching a company called EXO DEX and recorded myself explaining their business model, which helped me overcome this challenge.

Exciting Innovations in DeFi


What innovations in DeFi excite you the most?


Tokenization and flash loans are particularly exciting. Tokenization has the potential to lower costs and reach a broader audience. Our capstone project was related to flash loans, and we developed an automated solution for it.

Future Participation in Web3 Talents Programs


Have you participated in any other Web3 Talents programs or plan to in the future?


This was my first program, but I plan to enroll in the DLT Talents program next year. It’s a great way to learn more about the space.

Advice for Future Participants


For those considering joining the program but feeling hesitant, what advice would you give?


Don’t hesitate—apply! If you get selected, it means you have the skills needed. Embrace the program, participate actively, and contribute your ideas. It’s a fantastic opportunity to learn and network.

Future Plans in DeFi


Finally, what are your next steps in the DeFi space?


I want to explore more protocols and get involved in the space professionally. I’m currently exploring my options and looking forward to seeing where this path leads.

Closing Thoughts


Thank you, Cristina! Any final words for our viewers?


DeFi and Web3 can reshape financial services by addressing inefficiencies like counterparty risk and high fees. To everyone involved in this space, keep pushing forward. Big banks are already getting involved, and it’s only a matter of time before we see broader adoption.


Thank you for your time, Cristina. We wish you all the best in your Web3 journey. Goodbye!


Thank you so much. My pleasure. Goodbye!

This transcript has been edited for clarity and readability for an online audience.

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