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Name: Moritz Liroy Zimmer

Short Bio: Moritz has authored two scientific research papers exploring the impact of NFTs and blockchain on society. Alongside his research, Moritz founded CheerNFT, a charitable foundation utilizing NFTs for philanthropic purposes. As an NFT Talent, Moritz is devoted to staying at the forefront of industry innovation. Drawing on his previous experience in product development and marketing for AI startups, he offers a unique perspective to the field. Moritz’s diverse background as a former musician, tennisschool director, and youth council member has equipped him with a well-rounded outlook, enabling him to leverage blockchain technology to disrupt a multitude of industries.

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What was your first touchpoint with DLT & Blockchain? Self education on YouTube followed by private investing in 2017.

What fascinates you most about DLT? Revolution of the Internet and financial system Brings more justice and transparency Many new ways to leave positive impact.

His favorite DLT protocol/project: Ethereum

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Web3 Talents

Kick-Start Your Career In The Fields Of DLT, DeFi, NFT, And Bitcoin.

(c/o Frankfurt School Blockchain Center)
Adickesallee 32-34
60322 Frankfurt am Main