Name: Jutta Hörner
Short Bio: Jutta has many years of consultancy experience in IT strategies, process management, international project management, human resources management, implementation of SAP and risk controlling applications, test and release management. Moreover, she experienced this in several industrial sectors (financial industry, automotive industry, chemical industry, engineering industry, public utilities, tourism). Her interests were always to improve business processes aiming to simplify the work for people and to bring value to companies for new businesses.
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What was your first touchpoint with DLT & Blockchain? I read newspapers, but I didn‘t find all the information I wanted to know. Then I read an interview with Katharina Gehra about the implications of DLT into every business and was impressed!
What fascinates you most about DLT? I am impressed by the consensus principle and the speed of transactions in a globalized world.
Her favorite DLT protocol/project: Ethereum