Name: Toni Lukic
Short Bio: Tonis interest in cryptocurrencies sparked in the year 2017 while he was studying law & economics. He developed a good understanding of the crypto-markets and investment opportunities through investing in ICOs and, later on, in DeFi protocols. Currently, he is the Editor in chief of BeInCrypto Germany, advises companies in PR/Biz Dev and co-organizes the monthly meetup Crypto Invest Berlin with more than 800 members.
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My favorite DeFi protocol/project: Uniswap
What fascinates you most about DeFi? Automating processes with smart contracts; stability and reliability in times of economic uncertainty.
Your best knowledge resource in the DeFi space? DefiLama, Nansen
Your favorite Crypto Influencer: “Do your own research”
Your favorite word in Crypto Jargon: FOMO