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Name: Sven Bomhoff

Short Bio: Cyber Security Expert @ SOC, Influencer by DNA, DeFi Talents, Blockchain, DeFi, NFT, Metaverse, Web3, Security

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When and what was your first touchpoint with DeFi? 2020

My favorite DeFi protocol/project: Uniswap

What fascinates you most about DeFi? DeFi is one of the youngest fields in the blockchain space and it has a great potential to advance and change the traditional financial industry TradFi. Huge potential for security improvements.

Your favourite Crypto Influencer? Keir Finlow-Bates

Fun Facts about you: Was an active race car driver and now I am windsurfing and do triathlon. Both is more dangerous than driving! 😉

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Web3 Talents

Kick-Start Your Career In The Fields Of DLT, DeFi, NFT, And Bitcoin.

(c/o Frankfurt School Blockchain Center)
Adickesallee 32-34
60322 Frankfurt am Main