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Name: Simon Molitor

Short Bio: Simon is a Sales & Marketing professional with experience as Sales Manager in a healthcare focused VC firm. Having found his first company under the age of 20, he has a business mind and a good understanding for what makes businesses succeed. Besides his professional career, he is enrolled at Frankfurt School of Finance where he leads the Venture Capital Initiative.

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When and what was your first touchpoint with DeFi? I discovered ethereum and its usecases during DeFi summer 2020. My first interaction was actually not with ETH but by creating a Phantom Wallet and interacting with solana-based DEXs.

My favorite DeFi protocol/project: I like Solana and its eco system, especially DEXs like Raydium.

What fascinates you most about DeFi? The future has always mesmerized me and I think we live in extraordinary times today with both great challenges and meaningful chances. This decade will be one of those where we see more fundamental changes than in the past decades combined. Decentralized Finance is the next step of evolution towards allocating resources fairly for what society is about to become.

Your favourite Crypto Influencer? Probably Ben from MoreCryptoOnline since I love digging into charts as a hobby.

Fun Facts about you: When I am not wearing shirts or suits, I am doing 200kg barbell squats in the gym 🙂

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