Name: Samuel Tucker
Short Bio: “The best way to learn is to teach.” I’m expecting to learn as much, if not more in this programme, as a DeFi Talents Mentor. From: Bournemouth, England Living: Frankfurt, Germany Work: Freelance Marketing Manager Study: Part-time MBA Candidate – Researching SSI and DataFi Free Time: Rock Climbing & Hiking
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My favorite DeFi protocol/project: Ocean Protocol
What fascinates you most about DeFi? The imminent change potential presented for existing business models.
Your best knowledge resource in the DeFi space?
Your favorite Crypto Influencer: Dan Reecer
Your favorite word in Crypto Jargon InterPlanetary File System (IPFS)
When and what was your first touchpoint with DeFi? Cardano – 2017 & Polkadot – DeFi Summer 2020
Fun Facts about you: 我在湖南长沙住了一年