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DeFi Talents Mentor – Christian Vari

By January 19, 2024January 31st, 2024No Comments

Name: Christian Vari

Short Bio: Christian is an Italian software engineer with a master’s degree in cybersecurity and blockchain. He is the Founder and Lead Blockchain Engineer at Codezen s.r.l.s. and Lead Smart Contract Auditor at Oak Security. He is also a Cosmos, CosmWasm and Substrate certified developer. He has prior experience in distributed systems and audited 30+ smart contracts and blockchains. He contributes to securing the blockchain ecosystem by performing Blockchain Smart Contract Audits, Blockchain Chain Code Audits and Blockchain Dapp Development.

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My favorite DeFi protocol/project: Osmosis

Your best knowledge resource in the DeFi space?: Source code

What fascinates you most about DeFi? the possibility of revolutionizing the financial system by making it more fair and inclusive.

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