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Bitcoin Talents Profiles

Bitcoin Talents Profile – Iulianna Romanchyshyna

By March 11, 2024No Comments

Nationality: Ukrainian

Residence: Belgium

Field of study: Law and policy

University: Not provided

Work experience: Used to work at the WTO, as an independent consultant, and as a researcher at the University of Passau

Current affiliation: European Commission

Current position: Policy Assistant

Why is Bitcoin interesting? Bitcoin core technology is revolutionary as it allows peer-to-peer encrypted transactions, without need to trust the middleman. It changed the way we think about the transfer of value and, I believe, will further transform and disrupt our economic systems.

My touchpoints with Bitcoin so far: I’ve worked on crypto assets regulation at the European Commission, where I needed to prepare strategic documents, including on environmental aspects and sustainability of crypto technology. I’ve been also investing for a couple of years in different crypto, including Bitcoin, as I believe in the the immense potential these technologies bring.

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