Nationality: German
Residence: Ansbach, Germany
Short Bio: Robot technician for industrial robots and robotics trainer
What fascinates you most about Bitcoin? Bitcoin gives people back the power over their own lives and makes it possible for everyone to have the same rights and opportunities. Bitcoin is the first demonstrably limited good that has ever existed and distributes the right to vote over it to all its participants.
My touchpoints with Bitcoin so far: Came to Bitcoin in 2016 through a scam website. When it was exposed, I started looking for alternative cryptocurrencies. But the deeper I got into it, the more I became a Bitcoiner. Since then, I have regularly attended Bitcoin meetups, completed the Bitcoin Talents program and am involved in various Bitcoin groups.
Your favorite Bitcoin influencer (or source): Andreas Antonopoulos, Jack Dorsey and Jeff Booth
Fun facts about you: I was a professional powerlifter. Today I only do the sport for fun and as a coach for others