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ReFi Talents Profiles

ReFi Talents Profile – Justina Banyte

By September 19, 2024No Comments

Nationality: Lithuanian

Residence: Oslo, Norway

Field of study: Economics and Business, specialising in Energy, Natural resources and the Environment

University: Norwegian School of Economics (NHH)

Work experience: Renewable energy space, real estate and tech

Current affiliation: J8 Ventures AS

Current position: Angel investor & advisor

Why is ReFi interesting? ReFi combines the benefits of web3.0 technologies with the importance of addressing environmental and social challenges. Going beyond sustainability (equilibrium solution), ReFi provides a framework and technological platform to rebuild, engage, and reverse the trajectory of current economic and social systems.

My touchpoints with blockchain and ReFi so far: My current touchpoints with ReFi include discovering and assessing relevant startups and projects in the field as well as understanding the options to power ReFi systems (blockchain platforms, such as Solana, Ethereum, Polygon, etc.)

LinkedIn: Profile Link

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