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DLT Profiles

DLT Talents Profile – Natalia Farina

By June 24, 2024June 26th, 2024No Comments

Nationality: Argentinian

Residence: Munich, Germany

Field of study: Mechanical Engineering

University: Università degli Studi di Salerno / Universidad Nacional de Córdoba

Work experience: IT Consulting

Current affiliation: Infosys

Current position: Technology Associate

Why is blockchain interesting? I believe blockchain has the potential to revolutionize the way information is recorded, stored, and distributed. As an engineer driven by innovative and disruptive technologies, I am fascinated by the vast application potential of this technology. I am convinced that blockchain will not only transform the world of finance but also have a significant impact on various other sectors.

My touchpoints with blockchain and DLT so far: Crypto Investment . Learning about Smart Contracts

LinkedIn: Profile Link

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