Nationality: German
Residence: Frankfurt
Field of study: Political Science
University: LSE, Zeppelin Universität, UC Berkeley
Work experience: International Development, Project Management, Loan and Contract Management, Communications
Current affiliation: KfW Development Bank
Current position: Portfolio Manager
Why is blockchain interesting? The technology has already resulted into numerous innovations, particularly in financial services but also in a wide range of other industries. Its application offers tremendous opportunities to reduce transaction costs, enhanced transparency and data security. Furthermore, blockchain enables more direct and easier access to financial and other assets. Therefore, experts highlight that blockchain may change the way we will think about conducting business and how economic systems work. I am also excited about blockchain, as it can facilitate new ways of creating a positive social and environmental impact, such as by impact investing.
My touchpoints with blockchain and DLT so far: online courses, reading, attending events, investing
LinkedIn: Profile Link