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DLT Profiles

DLT Talents Profile – Barikisa Owusu Ansah

By June 24, 2024June 26th, 2024No Comments

Nationality: Ghanaian

Residence: Germany

Field of study: Land Administration

University: Leibniz University Hannover

Work experience: Researcher

Current affiliation: Leibniz University Hannover

Current position: Researcher

Why is blockchain interesting? I view blockchain, DLT, and crypto assets as tools for social and political change, advocating for concepts like decentralization, privacy, and financial inclusivity. They can provide financial freedom and empower individuals and communities at large.

My touchpoints with blockchain and DLT so far: Prior to my participation in this Talent program, I harbored doubts about the potential of cryptocurrency and blockchain. However, my involvement in distributed ledger technology (DLT) through engagement with the program has illuminated the viability of these technologies. It has become evident to me that there is indeed a significant potential for survival and growth in the realm of blockchain and DLT.

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