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DeFi Profiles

DeFi Talents Profile – Ahmed Amine Gargoura

By December 20, 2024No Comments

Nationality: Tunisian/German

Residence: Germany

Field of study: Computer Science

University: ISI & ESPRIT

Work experience: I am a Software Engineer with 10-Year experience in different fields of Information Technology

Current affiliation: Unity

Current position: Senior Software Engineer

Why is DeFi interesting? Payments represent the battlefield of finance for the next decade, serving as the critical arena where traditional financial systems will confront emerging technologies and innovative solutions. In this dynamic landscape, decentralized finance (DeFi) is poised to fundamentally reshape our understanding and interaction with money.

My touchpoints with DeFi so far: Over the years, I have dedicated substantial time to studying the foundational principles and evolving technologies within this space, including distributed ledger systems, smart contracts, and consensus mechanisms. I have gained insights into the transformative implications of these technologies on financial systems, where I have also interacted with different blockchain protocols and used there decentralized financial products.

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